
Raiffeisenstr. 11
D-52525 Waldfeucht

+49 (0) 175 4000 194


Investor Relations

Make common cause with us!

Energy production today

The energy market is large and there is a lot of money to be made.

The “ungreen” energy industry, i.e. nuclear, coal, oil and gas power plants, have long determined our energy supply. They all have one important advantage. They are base-load capable. That is, they produce electricity around the clock.

This also applies in principle to “green” hydropower, which is unfortunately only available to us to a limited extent. Wind and solar power plants, on the other hand, only supply energy when there is sufficient wind and the sun is shining. They are not inherently base-load capable. Only expensive storage technologies can guarantee a continuous energy supply.

The political energy turnaround

Today, politicians are using billions of euros of our tax money to focus primarily on solar and wind energy and favor hydrogen storage plants for energy storage. In addition, it is pumping billions into nuclear fusion, the dream of science.

We at BULLENERGY think the energy transition further ahead:

Sustainable – Base-load capable – Emission-free – Flexible – Networked – Cost-effective

Big Picture

Facts about the energy transition. What you should definitely know

The energy transition of courageous citizens

Rolf Kranen has discovered an effect that also occurs in nature. BULLENERGY can realize a prototype for the price of 1.5 kilometers of underground cable, which can trigger a breakthrough in energy technology. We from BULLENERGY are looking for investors to provide us with the capital for a proof of concept and then a proof of market .

Like any new development, this is a risk.

But it is above all an opportunity!

For our investors. For us. For our children.

We are looking forward to investors who, in addition to the prospect of a good RoI, also want to make a difference and change things.

If successful, good money can be earned.

We see that – in contrast to some others – as decent!

Heat engine and other power plants

A comparison with wind and solar, nuclear, oil and gas power plants.

Energy market and the prototype

How is the energy market developing and what are BULLENERGY's plans?

Your chance:
strong together

Green power with the prospect of profit: if that appeals to you, come on board with us.

Siegfried Hartmann, Dipl. Business economist

Dear reader and interested party, I am glad that you visit our website. Rolf Kranen and I are joint managing directors of Bullenergie GmbH. If you are interested in an investment or in a cooperation with us, please contact me. My phone number: +49 (0)175 4000 194 My email address:


Regenerative Innovative