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D-52525 Waldfeucht

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Technical structure

How the heat engine works

Top with inner life

Rolf Kranen has built a spinning top with an inner life. Its diameter is one meter. With a lot of force it is brought to 1000 revolutions per minute

Only about five watts left

It then only needs about five watts to maintain the speed. This is a vanishingly small amount.

Lower chamber: The compression chamber

The inner life of the gyroscope consists of 3 layers. The lower chamber, which Rolf Kranen calls the compression chamber, contains eight partial chambers. All of them are filled with a cooling liquid, familiar from refrigerators. When he tested his functional model one winter, the ambient temperature was seven degrees.

After filling, the pressure in the partial chambers was 3.5 bar. He accelerated the gyro to 1000 rpm. Because the rotation created an artificial gravity field, the pressure rose to 8.5 bar.

Middle chamber: The mixing chamber

Valves are opened at the pressure of 8.5 bar. The liquid sprays from the compression chamber into the centrally located mixing chamber due to the high pressure. It also has eight partial chambers. This brings us to the topic of “water column”. The only difference is that the column does not bubble upwards, but is deflected horizontally by centrifugal force. If such pressure conditions existed in Rolf Crane’s water column model, the emerging water jet would clearly exceed the water column.

This is the prerequisite for the process to sustain itself. That’s not all. When entering the practically pressureless mixing chamber, the refrigerant gas expands. It evaporates and increases its volume by about 1000 times. The rotation and chamber design then flings the gas into the center of the gyroscope.

Each of the gas molecules gets into a pull towards the center of the gyroscope and gets a chaotic trajectory. A veritable tornado develops in the machine. The molecules collide on their way with different frequency. In the process, they become energetically charged and accelerate. They heat up with each impact, because energy is retained.

At the end of the path through the mixing chamber it happens. The molecules, which have had many collisions and are thus hot, collide with a metal grid called a droplet separator. They liquefy and flow through a connecting port into the compression chamber. In the process, the compression chamber is enriched with new heat.

Upper chamber: The swirl chamber

The cold molecules, which have had few collisions, are unable to penetrate the liquid level formed by the hot molecules at the droplet separator. They are deflected into the swirl chamber above the mixing chamber. The swirl chamber has no partial chambers. The molecules that get there are flung outward by centrifugal force and returned to the mixing chamber.

Heat is generated by the process and that is the energy gained. Therefore heat engine.

The Maxwellian Demon

James Clerk Maxwell (1831 - 1879), Scottish physicist.

He developed a set of equations (the Maxwell equations) which are the foundations of electrodynamics, in particular he predicted the existence of electromagnetic waves in 1864, which Heinrich Hertz was the first to generate and prove in 1886. In 1866, he developed the kinetic theory of gases and is thus considered one of the founders of statistical mechanics, along with Ludwig Boltzmann, who was active later. The classical velocity distribution of gas molecules (Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution) is named after both.

There is an explanation for what goes on in the heat engine. From the Scottish physicist James Clark Maxwell. In 1871, he philosophized about the second law of thermodynamics: “Heat cannot flow from a cold body to a warmer one without some further process.” If this were feasible without a process, Maxwell reasoned, it would make it possible to drive a turbine.

Everyone has heated water on a stove. The following can be observed: If it boils, water vapor escapes above the water. These are the hot water molecules that change their aggregate state to steam. The colder ones remain as water in the pot. Molecularly, hot water is a mixture.

In the same way, the gas in the mixing chamber is a mixture of slow and fast flying molecules. The measured temperature is an average of this mess. Maxwell sketched the following picture: “If the container were divided in the middle and had a small door there, controlled by a “demon”, the following would be possible: If a slow gas molecule from the left side approaches the gatefliegt, then the demon opens it quickly and lets the molecule through. When a fast molecule comes from the right, it also opens the gate. At the end, all slow (cold) molecules are on the right and all fast (warm) molecules are on the left.” Since then, this consideration is called “Maxwell’s demon” and this is exactly what happens in Rolf Crane’s heat engine.

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